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Fidelity The Gambit

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Fidelity Gambit (Model 6084 - first edition)
Hersteller Fidelity
Markteinführung 1986
CElo 1300
Programmierer Nelson, Ron
Prozessor Takt RAM ROM
80C50 6 MHz 256 Byte 4 KB
Rechentiefe BT-2450 BT-2630 Colditz
Bibliothek 110 Positionen
Display ---
Spielstufen 8
Zugeingabe Drucksensoren
Zugausgabe 16 Rand-LEDs, Sprache
Einführungspreis 248 DM (125€)
Prozessortyp 8 Bit
Stromversorgung Batterie = 4 x C, Netz = 6V/300mA
Maße 28 x 26 x 3,75 cm, Spielfläche 20 x 20 cm
Verwandt Fidelity Gambit Voice, Fidelity Designer 1500, Peri Beta
Es existieren mehrere, technisch aber identische Versionen.
Second Edition - 1987



  • Level 1 - 5 sec.
  • Level 2 - 10 sec.
  • Level 3 - 15 sec.
  • Level 4 - 30 sec.
  • Level 5 - 1 min.
  • Level 6 - 2 min.
  • Level 7 - 3 min.
  • Level 8 - Infinite (mate-in-two)


  • Levels changeable during game.
  • Random computer responses make almost every game different.
  • Take-Back feature allows you to take back 2 half-moves.
  • Thinks on opponent's time for faster computer responses.
  • Play white or black"change sides any time during a game,
  • If available, and when asked, the computer will suggest a move for its Opponent.
  • Position verification by computer memory recall at any time during a game.
  • Problem mode lets you set up mid-game positions or add and subtract pieces during a game.
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