Alekhine's DefenseB03

Mephisto Atlanta
Saitek Risc 2500

Aktiv (1)
Iowa City, 2006

73MB, Shredder10.ctg, HP Pavilion

1. e4 Sf6 2. e5 Sd5 * 3. c4 Sb6 4. d4 d6 5. exd6 exd6 6. Sc3 Le7 7. Ld3 * 7... c6 besser: 7... 0-0 8. Sf3 Sa6 9. O-O Sb4 10. Le2 Lf5 10 ... 0-0 11. Lf4 11. a3 und 12. Ld3 11... g5!? 12. Lg3 g4?! Rochade bitte! 13. Se1 h5 14. a3! Sa6 15. Sc2 h4 16. Lf4 h3?! 17. g3 +1.96 17... Dd7 18. Se3 Tg8 19. Te1 Le6? 20. d5! +5.45 20... Lf5 21. dxc6 Dxc6? 22. c5! Androhung:23.Lb5 22... Sc7 23. cxb6 +9.09 23... axb6 24. Tc1 aber nicht 24.Sxf5???, Dg2 Matt! 24... Dd7 25. Scd5 Sxd5 26. Sxd5 Ta5 27. Sxe7 Dxe7 28. Lb5+ Txb5 29. Txe7+ Kxe7 30. Dxd6+ mit Matt in 4 1-0 [Capiton]

Game(s) in PGN

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Step into variations. (Usually skipped unless the moves are clicked themselves)