BT 2450 Aufgabe 4
Harding Test 1994
1. Df7!! Td8
1... Dxd6 2. Lxe5 fxe5 3. Dxf8+ Dxf8 4. Ta1 Lxb4 5. Ta8 Kg8 6. Txf8+ Lxf8 7. b8=D
2. d7
2. Dc7 Tg8 3. b8=D Lxe1 4. Dba7 De2+ 5. Kg1 Lxg3=
2... Db5 3. Td1 Dxb7+
3... Lxb4 4. Dd5 De2+ 5. Kh1 h5 6. b8=D Txb8 7. d8=D+ Txd8 8. Dxd8+ Kh7 9. Dd3+
4. Kh2 Dxd7 5. Dxd7 Txd7 6. Lc3 Lxc3 7. Txd7 h5 8. b5 * [Michael Völschow]
Game(s) in PGN
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