Ruy LopezC88

Resurrection Fruitī05
Mephisto Risc 1MB (2103)

SSDF-match (18)
Sundsvall, 2006

1. e4 e5 2. Sf3 Sc6 3. Lb5 a6 4. La4 Sf6 5. O-O Le7 6. Te1 b5 7. Lb3 O-O 8. d4 * 8... Sxd4 * 9. Lxf7+ Txf7 10. Sxe5 Sc6 11. Sxf7 Kxf7 12. e5 After 34 min of thought! 32 min left for white. 12... Se8 13. Dd5+ Again after some deep thinking (23 min to be exact)! 9.5 min left for white until 40 moves is made. 13... Kf8 14. Te3 g6? 15. Tf3+ 1-0 [Lars Sandin]

Game(s) in PGN

The buttons and their various functions are:

Go to Start of game
Go Back 5 moves
Go Back a move
Go Forward a move
Go Forward 5 moves
Go to End of game
Flip the board
Auto-replay the game
Step into variations. (Usually skipped unless the moves are clicked themselves)