Novag Constellation 2 MHz (1677)
Stefan Timmermans (1899)

U1950 Turnier (5)

1. f4 e5 2. e4 Oops the Kingsgambit instead of the Bird. I know very little about the Kingsgambit. 2. fxe5 d6 3. exd6 Lxd6 4. Sf3 g5 5. g3 g4 6. Sh4 Se7 7. d4 2... exf4 3. Lc4 Dh4+ I decided to make use of common sense, and apparently this has been played before. 3... Sf6 4. Sc3 c6 5. d4 Lb4 6. e5 4. Kf1 Sf6 5. Sf3 Dh5 6. De2 Out of book 6... g5 6... Le7 7. d4 g5 6... Sc6 7. d4 g5 8. d5 Sa5 9. Ld3 7. d4 Le7 Moves like d6 fail on e5 as the king is still on the e-file 8. Kg1 White clearly wants to play h3, Kh2 to get the rook back into play. 8... c6= 8... Sc6 9. h3 Dg6 10. Sc3 Sh5 9. Sc3 b5? o-o or d6 were required 10. e5! Sg4 11. Ld3 O-O?? 12. h3?? 12. h4! gxh4 13. Lxf4 And blacks position is total loss... lucky me it was against the Conny 12... Sh6 13. Sxb5 Black can't take as of Qe4 13... Sa6 14. De4 Dg6 Just-In-Time 15. Sd6 Sb4! 16. Dxg6+ hxg6 16... fxg6 17. Lc4+= 17. Sxc8 A good Knight for a lousy bishop... I don't complain 17... Taxc8 18. Le4 Sf5 Threatens Ng3 with attack on the Rook and bishop at the same time prevents h4 19. a3 Sd5 Inviting him to concede his bishop pair. 20. Kh2 20. Lxf5 gxf5 21. c4 Se3 22. Lxe3 fxe3 20... Sde3 c5 would have been a nice move, but the Nd5 is no longer defended 20... c5?? 21. Lxd5 21. Lxf5 gxf5 The aim was to combine the pawns in to a chain of a freepawn. 22. Lxe3 fxe3 23. g3 Still in a messed up situation. Question to answer, are the pawns going to remain in place ? 23. Tae1 f4 24. g3 f6 23... c5 24. d5 well played I must say 24... g4 well played from myself 24... d6 25. Tae1 f4 26. gxf4 gxf4 27. Thg1+ Kh7 28. Tg4 And white is coping with it ! White is slightly better. 25. Sg1 d6?= Doesn't increase piece activity compared to c4 25... c4! 26. Se2 gxh3 27. Kxh3 Tc5 25... f6 26. d6 Ld8 27. Te1 fxe5 28. Txe3 f4 25... Tb8 26. b3 Tfe8! 27. Te1 Lg5 26. Te1= dxe5 27. Txe3 Ld6 27... f6 28. hxg4 fxg4 29. Te4 27... Lf6 28. hxg4 fxg4 29. Te4 Tfd8 30. Txg4+ Kf8 31. c4 Tb8 28. Kg2 28. Se2 28... c4 29. Se2 Tc5 30. Sc3 Tb8 31. Tb1 gxh3+ 32. Kxh3= f6? f5 is a gift then 32... Kg7 33. Tf3 Kg6= 33. g4 33. Tf3 Kg7 34. Txf5 33... Tc7? 33... f4! Would have equalized 34. gxf5 Th7+ 35. Kg2 Tg7+ 36. Kf3 Le7? 37. Te4 Much better was Ne4 ! 37. Se4 Td8 38. Td1 Kf7 39. d6 Lf8 40. Tc3 37... Tg5 38. Tg4 Txg4 39. Kxg4 Kf7 40. Kf3 Lc5 41. Ke2? 41. Se4 Lxa3 42. Th1 Txb2 43. Th7+ Ke8 44. Sxf6+ Kd8 45. d6 41. Se4 Lf8 42. d6 Td8 43. Td1 41... Ld4 42. Se4 Ke7 42... Txb2 43. Txb2 Lxb2 44. Sd6+ 43. d6+ Kd7 44. b4?? 44. Th1 Txb2 45. Th7+ Kc8 46. Sxf6 Txc2+ 44... Th8 45. c3 Th2+ 46. Kd1 Le3 46... Th1+ Here Black could have easily reached a draw by repitition of moves. 47. Kc2 Th2+ 48. Kd1 Th1+ 49. Kc2 Th2+ 50. Kd1 47. Sxf6+ Kxd6 48. Sg4 Td2+ 49. Ke1 Td3 50. Td1 Lg5 51. Txd3+ 51. f6 e4 52. f7 Ke7 53. Se5 51... cxd3 52. f6 e4 52... Ke6 53. f7 Le7 (53... Kxf7?? 54. Sxe5+) 54. Sf2 Kxf7 53. Sf2 53. f7 Ke7 53... Ke5 53... Lh4! 54. Kf1 Lxf2 55. Kxf2 Ke6 56. c4 d2 57. Ke2 e3 58. c5 Kxf6 59. b5 54. f7 Le7 55. Kd1 55. Sg4+ Kf4 56. Sf6 Kf3 57. Sh7 e3 55... Kf4?? 56. c4 Kf3 57. Sh3?? Not surprisingly the wrong move, its to many moves ahead for the Conny as for humans possibly too 57. Sxd3 exd3 58. c5 57... Kg4?? Decided to remain in the 'kwadrant' of the c pawn but is based on a wrong judgement 57... e3 58. c5 e2+ 59. Kd2 (59. Ke1 Ke3 Mate in) 59... Lf8 60. Sg5+ (60. c6?? Lh6+) 60... Kf2 61. Se4+ Kf3 62. Sg5+ Kg2 63. Se4= 58. Sf2+ 58. c5 Kf5 59. c6 Ke6 60. Sf4+ Kd6 61. Sg6 58... Kf3 59. f8=D+?? This isn't helping a lot, the Conny surely has a program bug here.... 59. Sxd3 exd3 60. c5 The bishop surely can't be at 2 sides the same time, and the King is already out of sight 59... Lxf8 60. Sxd3 exd3 61. c5 Ke4 62. c6 Ld6 63. b5 Lc7 64. Kd2 La5+ 65. Kd1 Ke3 66. a4 d2 What a terrible match from both sides... lots of endgame major blunders, but then again only when the GM himself, my chessengine is showing us.... 0-1 [Stefan Timmermans]

Game(s) in PGN