
Mephisto Europa (1685)
Novag Constellation 2 MHz (1677)

U1950 Turnier (8)

1. c4 e5 2. Sf3 Sc6 3. Sc3 Sf6 4. e3 Lb4 5. Dc2 O-O 6. d3 6. Sd5 Te8 7. Df5 d6 8. Sxf6+ Dxf6 9. Dxf6 gxf6 10. a3 Lc5 11. b4 Lb6 12. Lb2 6... d5!? Conny played this move but it was clear that it was based on his strong feeling of centreplay 7. cxd5 Dxd5 Better was Nxd5 8. Ld2 Dc5 9. a3 Lxc3 10. Lxc3 Te8 11. Le2 Lf5 12. Tc1 e4!?= It is clear that black has free play and white must content with its strong harvest 13. dxe4 Sxe4 14. Sh4 Sxf2 I can't say its excellent (!) nor say its bad (?) but its a typical move you'll see with the Dave Kittinger machines... also very SuperConny alike... lets face it it opens the game, and in particular facing humans this is not a bad idea at all ! 15. Sxf5 15. Kxf2?? Dxe3+ 16. Ke1 Lxc2 17. Txc2 15. Dxf5 Probably the best and refutation of the sacrifice 15... Dxf5 (15... Dxe3 16. O-O (16. Dxf2?? Dxc1#) 16... Se4+ 17. Kh1 Sd6) 16. Sxf5 Sxh1 17. Lf3 15... Sxh1 Now the only remaining question is , wil the Horse on h1 be able to evacuate in time ? 16. Lxg7 Dxc2 17. Txc2 Se7 18. Sxe7+ Txe7 19. Ld4 b6 The idea is that whenever the King goes down the first line, c5 comes, e3 falls and pressure will be put on the e-file 20. Tc6 20. b4 Tae8 20... Kf8 20... Te6 21. Txc7 Th6 22. Le5 Te8 23. Lf4 and black didn't succeed in freeing up the N on h1 21. Th6 Kg8 22. Tc6 Kf8 23. Th6 f5? The conny being in kind of bad position refuses to play 3 fold repetition of moves. Stuborn as he is ! Lets see how he handles all this lateron. 23... c5?? 24. Lf6 Te6 25. Txh7 Txf6 26. Th8+ Kg7 27. Txa8 24. Th5 f4 25. Tf5+ Tf7 26. Txf7+ Kxf7 27. Lc4+ Kg6 28. exf4 c5 29. Le5 Td8 Black faces Be2, g3 & Bf3 what is going to stop the Europa from doing ? 30. g3 h5 31. Le2 c4 31... h4 Too late for help.... 32. gxh4 (32. Lf3? Sxg3 33. hxg3 hxg3=) 32... Kf5 33. Lf3 Tg8 34. Kf1 32. Lf3 Sxg3 33. hxg3 Td7 34. Lc6 With the idea Bb5and approaching with the King 34... Td8 35. Lb5 Tc8 36. La6 Tc6 37. Kf2 37. Kd2 Kf5 38. Kc3 Tc5 39. Kd4 Loosing the c-pawn 37... Kh7 38. Kf3 Kg6 39. g4!? At first I thought the Europa was centralising his king, but no, he played the king to move g4 all along. However the idea is not so bad as it seems. As the g pawn was subject to an rook attack and/or black King approachso get rid of it and push the free f-pawn thereafter to spread the battlefield a bit. 39... hxg4+ 40. Kxg4 Kf7 41. Kf5 Tc5 42. Ke4 c3 The hope for this pawn is lost. 43. Lxc3 Th5 44. f5 Th4+ 45. Ke5 Ke7 46. f6+ Kf8 47. Ke6 Tf4 48. Le5 Te4 49. Lc4 a5 50. f7 Te3 51. b3 The Europa surely doesn't know whats going on here.... he has no plan in his near futur to promote the pawn to whatever expense. He might need to drop his score to win much easier.. will he go for the underneath listed variation ? 51. Kd6 Tf3 52. Kd7 b5 53. Ld6+ Kg7 54. f8=D+ Txf8 55. Lxf8+ Kxf8 56. Lxb5 1-0 51... b5? 51... Te1?? 52. Kf6 and now Rf1+ can't be played) 52. Lxb5 Te1 53. Lc4 Te3 54. b4 1-0 [Stefan Timmermans]

Game(s) in PGN