
Novag Constellation 2 MHz (1677)
Mephisto Super Mondial B (1876)

U1950 Turnier (9)

1. e4 c5 2. Sf3 Sc6 3. Lb5 Sf6 3... g6 4. O-O Lg7 5. c3 4. Lxc6 Playing this move the Conny was out of book, and the SuMo as well on his move. 4. e5 Sd5 5. O-O g6 6. c3 Lg7 7. d4= 4... dxc6 5. Sc3 Lg4 6. h3 Lxf3 7. Dxf3 e6 8. O-O Ld6 9. d3 O-O 10. Lg5 Le5= 11. Tad1 Db6 12. Sa4 Db4 13. b3 Tad8 14. Ld2 Da3 15. Lc1? Dxa2 16. Sxc5 16. De2 b6 17. Lf4! Ld4 The Queen is still trapped , but not lost, would have been slightly better though... 16... b6 17. Sb7 For this you have to have good nerves ! 17... Td7 18. d4 Lxd4 19. e5 19. c3 Dxb3 20. Txd4 Txb7 is slightly better than the move the Conny Played 19... Lxe5 20. Txd7 Sxd7 21. Dxc6 Sc5 22. Sxc5 Dxc2 Given +1.12 for and by the SuMo 23. Le3! 23. b4 bxc5 24. bxc5 a5 23... bxc5 24. Dxc5 Dxc5 25. Lxc5 Tb8 26. Lxa7 Txb3 27. Tc1 h5 28. Tc8+ Kh7 29. Kf1 Kg6 30. Ke2 Kf5 31. Td8 g5 32. Td7 Tb2+ 33. Kd3 f6 34. Th7 Kg6 35. Te7 Tb3+ 36. Ke4 Tb4+ 37. Kd3 Kf5 38. Th7 h4 39. Lc5 Tb1 40. Tf7 Lf4 40... Tg1? 41. f4 Txg2 42. fxe5 Kxe5= 41. Le7 Td1+ 42. Ke2 Td2+ 43. Ke1 Tc2? 43... Td7 44. Txf6+ Ke5 45. Tf7 44. Txf6+ Ke5 45. Kf1 Tc7 46. Ld8 Tc8 47. Le7 Tc7 48. Tf7 The conny refuses threefold repetition of moves, playing a BAD move. 48... Ke4 49. Tg7 Le5 50. Txg5 50. Th7 Kd3! Threatens Mate !(50... Ld6 Another obvious move but not as convincing as Kd3 !) 50... Txe7 51. f3+ Kd4 52. Tg4+ Kd5 53. Txh4 Tc7 54. f4 Ld4 55. g4?? 55. Ke2 Tc2+ 56. Kd3 Tc3+ 57. Ke2 55... Ke4! 56. Th6 56. f5 Kf3 57. Ke1 Le3 And white goes mate 56... Kf3! Threatens mate via Rc1+ 57. Txe6 Lf2! and white has to surrender 58. Te1 Lxe1 59. Kxe1 Kxf4 60. Kf2 Tc2+ 0-1 [Stefan Timmermans]

Game(s) in PGN