Stefan Timmermans (1899)
Mephisto Explorer (1900)

U1950 Turnier (3)

1. d4 d5 2. c4 dxc4 3. Sf3 Sf6 4. e3 e6 5. Lxc4 Sbd7 c5 & a6 are played the most, but the move looks interesting, especially after Bd6 , black can counter with e5. 6. O-O Ld6 7. Sc3 Sb6 8. Lb3 Sbd5 Black has moved his knight 3 times to have the d5 square. But conting tempi, white has 4 developped pieces, black only 3 and white has one pawn in the centre ! and white is to move... so white stands better. 9. Te1 9. e4? Sxc3 10. bxc3 Sxe4 9... Lb4?! 9... Sxc3 10. bxc3 Se4 10. Ld2 Sxc3 11. bxc3 Le7 11... La5 12. Se5 12. e4 O-O 13. c4 b6 13... c5? 14. e5 Sd7 15. d5 14. e5 White pushes black behi,d, and hopes that sooner or later his pieces lack space to move.... 14... Se8 14... Sd7 15. De2 Lb7 15. Lc3 Allows the Queen to support the push to d5 if c5 & Bb7 would challenge the d4 pawn. 15... La6 16. d5 Lb7 17. Dd3 with Bc2 in mind, and enabling Rd1, move the queen and capture on e6. Also black can't play c6 cause d6 ! 17. dxe6 fxe6 18. Sd4 Lc5 19. Dg4 Lxd4 20. Lxd4 17... Dd7 18. Tad1 Td8 19. Dc2 Dc8 20. Td2 Protects f2 in the dxe6 fxe6 Nd4 Bc5 case and prepares doubling rooks which black can't..... 20... exd5 21. cxd5 Da8 Black is putting pressure on the centre. 22. Ted1 h6 the Mephisto Explorer, has no chances of play and plays a move that doesn't harm. 23. Df5! The computer overlooked this move, when checking the position evaluation after this move, his score went from 0,5 to 1, 8 for white, pretty late to realise he is in trouble....; 23. Lb2 Lb4 23... a6 again the mephisto explorer decides to wait and ancipate, there is not much he can do ... ; 23... Lc5 24. e6 Sd6 25. Dg4 24. Dg4 Kh8 24... Lc8 25. De4 b5 26. Sh4 Lg5 27. Sg6 25. Sh4 Having the bishop for the passive knight would be good for white, as the centre and bishop pair are well placed ! 25... c5? Still waiting for the killing move..... 25... Lg5 26. De4 Lxh4 27. Dxh4 e6 threatens with Qxh6 & e7 ! 26. Sf5 Lg5 26... Lc8 27. e6 fxe6? 28. Lxg7+ Kg8 29. Sxh6+ Kh7 30. Lxf8 Mate in 27. f4 c4 Now I have 3 choices Bxc4 , Bc2 as the black bishop is caught in ....or the most agressive move, break down the kings harvest 28. fxg5 cxb3 29. gxh6 Tg8 29... gxh6? 30. Dh5 Td7 31. Dxh6+ Kg8 32. Td3 f6 33. Tg3+ Sg7 34. Txg7+ Txg7 35. Dxg7# 30. Se7 30. hxg7+ Txg7 31. Sxg7 Sxg7 32. e6 30... bxa2? 30... g6 31. e6+ To break down the last defenses and open all lines ! 31. Sxg8 Kxg8 32. e6! fxe6 32... Lxd5 33. exf7+ Lxf7 (33... Kxf7 34. Tf1+) 34. Txd8 and mate in 33. Lxg7 To play on real tactics instead of easy moves like Qxe6+ and allowing the king to reach a solid field 33... Kh7 33... Txd5?? 34. Dg6 threatens simply h7+ mate 34. De4+ Kg8 35. Dxe6+ 35. Dg6 Mate in 35... Kh7 36. Df5+ Kg8 37. Df8+ Kh7 38. Td4?! 38. Df7? Sd6 38... Txd5 38... Sd6 39. Df6 Td7 40. Tg4 39. Txd5 Dc8 39... Lxd5 40. Df5+ Kg8 Won in many ways .... 41. Dg6 40. Tg5 Takes away squares fr the king and keeps c5 under control 40... Sf6 41. Dxc8 Lxc8 42. Lxf6 Kxh6 43. h4 and again mate threats..... hopeless 1-0 [Stefan Timmermans]

Game(s) in PGN