Hanimex HCG 1700

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Hanimex Computachess III (HCG 1700)
Hersteller Hanimex
Markteinführung 1982(?)
CElo 1090
Programmierer Levy, David & Taylor, Mark
Prozessor Takt RAM ROM
HMCS46C (Hitachi HD44840) ~0,6 MHz (Internal Clock with Rf=62KOhm) 128 Bytes (256 x 4bits) 5 KB (4K x 10bits)
Rechentiefe BT-2450 BT-2630 Colditz
Bibliothek Halbzüge
Spielstufen 8
Zugeingabe Drucksensoren
Zugausgabe 8+8 LED
Prozessortyp 4 Bit, Singlechip
Stromversorgung Adapter: 9V/100mA DC (Jack 3,5mm +tip); Battery: 4x1,5V (AA type)
Maße 28 x 33 x 4 cm
Verwandt CXG Computachess II
Despite the name, it's not clone of CXG Computachess III

The manual says the program is copyright White & Allcock Ltd., Hong Kong



Level Time
1 5 sec
2 10 sec
3 15 sec
4 3 min
5 4 min
6 10 min
7 12 min
8 14 min

Functions & Features

Function or Feature Description
INCORRECT MOVE Indicated by sound "beep"
LEVEL OF PLAY Can be changed in the cours of a game
REVERSE PLAY Changing sides at any time
TAKE BACK Taking back moves
SETTING UP A POSITION By a repeated use of the TAKE BACK key
CHECKING THE POSITION Using the six keys along the right-hand side of the board
MEMORY The power switch has 3 positions: OFF/ON/SAVE

Inside the Chess Computer