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Chess King Philidor

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Chess King Philidor
Hersteller Chess King
Markteinführung 1987
CElo 1660
Programmierer Richard Lang
Prozessor Takt RAM ROM
Z80 4 MHz 2 KB 16 KB
Rechentiefe BT-2450 BT-2630 Colditz
Bibliothek 2.000 Halbzüge
Display -
Spielstufen 12
Zugeingabe Drucksensoren
Zugausgabe 32 Rand-LEDs
Einführungspreis 198 DM (100 €)
Prozessortyp 8 Bit
Stromversorgung 9V Block oder Netzteil 6V DC
Verwandt CXG Chess 2001, verwendetes Programm: Cyrus

Level Infobox
30 Sek / Zug 30 Min / Partie 60 Sek / Zug 60 Min / Partie Turnier Analyse
5 - 7 - - 11

Infos aus der Datenbank von Hein Veldhuis:

Philidor. A conveniently sized chess computer, big enough for every occasion yet completely portable. Incorporates the strong "Cyrus" chess playing program which won the European Microcomputer Championship.

  • Works from batteries or power adaptor.
  • Uses magnetie pieces.
  • Power-down feature allows easy resumption of unfinished games.
  • Recognizes draws by repetition of position and the 50-move rule.

Zu den Spielstärkeniveaus Folgendes aus der Bedienungsanleitung:

  • 12 Levels of skill:

Level 1: 2 seconds

Level 2: 5 seconds

Level 3: 10 seconds

Level 4: 20 seconds

Level 5: 30 seconds

Level 6: 45 seconds

Level 7: 1 minute and 15 seconds

Level 8: 1 minute and 45 seconds

Level 9: 2 minutes and 30 seconds

Level 10: the computer automatically adapts its rate of play to match that of opponent. It measures your average thinking time over a series of mives, tghen speeds up or sloes down as appropriate.

Level 11: Philidor recognizes no time limit, and will normally keep on thinking until you actually instruct it to play

Level 12: Problem solving level, in which the computer searches for a forced mate in 4 moves or less.

  • Takeback feature allows the user to retract errors, up to as many as 40 moves ago.
  • Play forward feature for stepping forward after using takeback.
  • Hint feature advises the user what to play next.
  • Easy to operate position setup and verify features.
  • Plays more than 2,000 opening moves./
  • 16K ROM
  • 2K RAM
  • Z80 microprocessor, 4 Mhz
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