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Fidelity Chesster Challenger

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Version vom 23. Januar 2024, 16:17 Uhr von Boris (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Fidelity Chesster Challenger
Hersteller Fidelity
Markteinführung 1990
CElo 1904
Programmierer Dan & Kathe Spracklen
Prozessor Takt RAM ROM
6502 5 MHz 8 KB 32 KB + 128 KB Sprachausgabe
Rechentiefe BT-2450 BT-2630 Colditz
Bibliothek 12,000 ply
Display Nein
Spielstufen 25
Zugeingabe Touch Sensory Board
Zugausgabe 16 edge LEDs
Einführungspreis $159
Prozessortyp 8 Bit
Stromversorgung Batterien 4x AA, Netzteil = HGN 5001
Maße 30 x 30 x 2.5 cm / Schachbrett 20 x 20 cm / Königshöhe 5 cm
Verwandt Fidelity Chesster Phantom (6124) , Fidelity Par Excellence , Fidelity Designer 2100
200 Züge rückspielbar

Level Infobox
30 Sek / Zug 30 Min / Partie 60 Sek / Zug 60 Min / Partie Turnier Analyse
a4 a5 a7 und a8 b1 - f8


Although the Fidelity Chesster Challenger is based on the Fidelity Designer 2100 there are a number of important differences. Firstly the clock speed is 5 MHz rather than 6 MHz. The opening book is 16,000 ply and designed for variety compared with the 28,000 ply opening book of the Fidelity Designer 2100, and the narrower optimised 16,000 ply opening book of the Fidelity Par Excellence.

Perhaps a more important difference is the Chesster's voice synthesizer chip and special speaker. Chesster has a vocabulary of over 300 words, which are combined into a large number of phrases. Pressing h1 at the start of the game will make Chesster go through the entire repetoire, which takes 10 minutes. The vocabulary is divided between Character Mode, Coach Mode, Demonstration Mode and Move Assistance Mode which are all selectable, individually or in combination. The vocabulary is the same as for the robot version, the Fidelity Chesster Phantom, with which it shares the 5 MHz clock speed and program. The German language version, the Kishon Chesster is believed to be based on the Designer 2000 running at 3.6 MHz. There is also a budget version called the Fidelity Little Chesster.

There are two circuit boards shown in the photographs below. On the left is the Chesster Challenger and on the right the Fidelity Designer 2100 Display.

Pictures by Michael Watters - chesscomputeruk.com

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