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Peri Gamma

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Peri Gamma

Copyright Picture by Michael Watters - chesscomputeruk.com

Hersteller Peri Spiele
Markteinführung 1989
CElo 1760
Programmierer Spracklen, Dan & Kate
Prozessor Takt RAM ROM
6502 3 MHz 8 KB 32 KB
Rechentiefe BT-2450 BT-2630 Colditz
Bibliothek 12.000 Halbzüge
Display No
Spielstufen 12
Zugeingabe Drucksensoren
Zugausgabe 16 edge LEDs
Einführungspreis 398 DM
Prozessortyp 8 Bit
Stromversorgung 4 AA batteries, Adaptor = HGN 5001
Maße 35.5 x 26 x 2.5 cm / Chessboard 20 x 20 cm / King height 5 cm
Verwandt Fidelity Designer 2000
Chess program and electronics are identical with the Fidelity Designer 2000

Level Infobox
30 Sek / Zug 30 Min / Partie 60 Sek / Zug 60 Min / Partie Turnier Analyse
8 9 11 12


The Peri Gamma and Fidelity Designer 2000 share the same electronics and chess program. In games played simultaneously against both chess computers after 1. f3 they replied with the same moves, in the same time, throughout. The picture (below left) shows the Fidelity Designer 2000 and Peri Gamma at the front, and the Fidelity Designer 1500 and Peri Beta behind.

Copyright Pictures by Michael Watters - chesscomputeruk.com

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